A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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Created for the 152nd One Hour Game Jam, whose theme was "Breakable Objects." An asteroid dodging game. The 'breakable object' IS YOU (well, your spaceship).

  • You are the green circle.
  • Asteroids are red circles. When they are off-screen and coming towards you, there are yellow warning vectors. When they are off-screen and not coming towards you, they have little grey boxes showing which direction they're in.
  • There are targets to reach, the quicker you reach each target, the better your score! Follow the light blue dashed line to reach the next target.
  • When you hit an asteroid, the velocity of the impact and size of the asteroid determine how much damage you take. When you run out of health, game over!

Have fun! :D


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

asteroid-dodge-win32.zip 2.6 MB
Version 0.4.1
asteroid-dodge-osx.zip 11 MB
Version 0.4.1
asteroid-dodge-linux.zip 31 kB
Version 0.4.1

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